Southern Comfort Farm / Riding Instructor in Aubrey, Texas

Training/Instruction in the true Classical Principles of Dressage. Anthony Schmitz, Bereiter, has 40 years experience riding,
training, instructing and showing through
FEI. Being originally from the Netherlands, he has extensive training by some of the Masters in Europe. He utilizes the longe line, long-lines, cavalletti, trail outings and arena riding to develop the correct musculature of each horse. Using the bio-
mechanical movements of the horse riding patterns and exercises to teach the horse to go forward. This type of riding releases endorphins that bring pleasure to the horse while he gains strength and great
confidence in himself. He teaches his students in much the same way through using exercises that develop core muscles, strong legs, an effective seat, correct timing and
application of the aids and learning to ride with soft rein contact. Anthony is a
compassionate, energetic, enthusiastic and
effective teacher whose goal is simply to pass on all that he has learned and to watch his students and their horses progress to meet their goals and go on to surpass them.


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