Carrie Ferrer / Riding Instructor in Springtown, Texas

Chamberlain Dressage works with horses and riders emphasizing basic principles of
dressage including rhythm, balance, suppling, and self-carriage.

Accepting riders that are new to the sport of English or Western Dressage, Beginning Riders, or Timid Riders of all ages. Kids 5 and up are welcome! Learn fundamentals of horse care and stable management, lungeing, ground work, and riding under a caring teacher. Jumping lesson fundamentals are taught. Experienced HJ clients are turned over to fellow trainer.

Carrie Ferrer, USDF Bronze Medalist and German FN Bronze Medalist, competing through Prix St. George is the trainer.

Rates are reasonable for private boarding and/or training. Limited space available. Facility is on 7.5 acres of lovely, well-cared for pasture. You can find us on Facebook at


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