Certified NARHA Advanced Instructor and Certified Potomac Horse Center Horsemaster. Certified Trainer and Instructor for over 45 yrs. Experienced in hunter/jumpers/dressage/therapeutic/driving. WORKED with and for many international trainers.
FORMER: Instructor at Twenty Mile Farm, Owner Oakwoods Stables, Las Colinas Equestrian Center, Willow Bend Polo and Hunt Club, SMU Adjunct Professor Equestrian Studies, West Virginia Special Olympics Equestrian Events, DC of West Virginia Pony Club, Two Hawks Equestrian Center in Monument, CO.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding Center and Rocky Top Therapy Center. Former director for Equine program Easter Seals Camp.
Former Technical Delegate and President for Rocky Mountain Dressage Association. Former show and clinic manager for many USEF/USDF events. Former Organizer and Horsemaster for 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta. Organizer of Paralympic shows, ratings, and clinics. MANAGER of USEF and USDF shows.