Flying Heels Riding Academy / Riding Instructor in Monroe, Georgia

Areas of concentration: Equitation/Horsemanship, Western pleasure/Hunter under Saddle, Halter/Showmanship, Trail/Ranch Riding, Beginning and Intermediate Hunter over Fences.
What will I learn?
If you are a new rider and do not already have a discipline preference your strengths and weaknesses can be assessed in the first few lessons. From that point it can be determined what riding style will be more beneficial to pursue.
If you are an intermediate or advanced rider The Academy welcomes all disciplines. Whether your goal is to be competitive at breed shows or have a handy trail or ranch horse, Flying Heels can get you there. Jennifer has experience in the following disciplines: western pleasure, western horsemanship, trail, showmanship, halter, hunter under saddle, hunt seat equitation, working hunter over fences, dressage, reining, extreme cowboy competitions, working cow horse, and ranch sorting. She is currently working on adding Cowboy Mounted Shooting to the list!
All aspects of equine care are covered in the lesson program. Proper use and fitting of equipment, lunging, trailer loading, nutrition, grooming, and first aid are a few examples of ground work that will be covered.
Lesson Specifics:
 Semi-Private Lesson: $35
 Private Lesson (w/ travel): $45
 Private Lesson (no travel): $40
 Group Lesson (3+): $30
All lessons include a full hour of under saddle instructional time. Lessons are available on your horse or a lesson horse. Please have your horse tacked up and ready prior to lesson time. Proper riding attire is mandatory: boots with a minimum of a ½” of heel and helmets for riders under 18. Helmets for adults are recommended. Please use safe tack and good judgment.
 Training per ride (travel): $35
 Training per ride (no travel): $25
Training is available by the ride. The duration of the training session depends mostly on how far along the horse is, bad habits, and the horse’s stamina. If ground work is necessary prior to any under saddle work, this will be included.
The training and lesson process: All horses and riders learn at different speeds and have varying skills and strengths. These factors will determine you and your horse’s progress. The Academy’s goal is to create a cooperative team between horse and rider allowing them to face challenges and obstacles together.


Confidence Building For Horse And Rider 4-H A Circuit Showing Adult Riding Lessons Balanced Seat Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults Beginning Riders Welcome Breaking Children's Riding Lessons Coaching Dressage Training Equitation All Seats Family Friendly Atmosphere Family-Friendly Rates Ground Work Group Lessons Haul-Ins Horse Leases Horse Training Hunt Seat Hunter Jumper Training Intermediate Riders Leasing Lunge Lessons Natural Horsemanship Training Private Lessons Problem Horses Reasonable Rates Riding Clinics Sales Preparation & Representation Showing Starting Horses Timid Riders Trail Riding Lessons Trailer Loading Traveling Instructor Weekend Lessons Western Pleasure Young Riders
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