We specialize in lessons for the beginner rider up to advanced-competition levels. We offer lessons in both English and Western.
Beginner Private lessons($40) are always one student per instructor. Designed for students who have little or no experience, the following skills are covered: Grooming, saddling, leading, mounting, adjusting stirrup length, maneuvering a mount at walk and trot around the ring. Students will remain in this specially priced lesson program until it is determined by the instructor that sufficient proficiency has been attained in the above basic skills. At that time the student may either move into a group lesson or choose to remain in 1/2 hr. privates at the regular price.
Our Private Lessons($45) are always one student per instructor. Private lessons are a perfect compliment to group lessons to help focus on particular problems. It is suggested that riders have their mounts fully warmed up and ready for the lesson in order to get full benefit from the lesson.
Our group lessons($30/person) are 1 Hour long and have from 3-6 riders. We form our groups based upon rider ability level and whenever possible by age also. All new riders must first take private lessons so that we can assess the rider's ability.