John Chapman / Western Trainer in Powhatan, Virginia

Performance Horses is now accepting all training horses from starting colt and fillies to tune ups on your favorite show horse. With 20years plus experienced in western discipline we can help you with all your horse project. We take the time and patience it take to build confidence between horse and rider. We have Lessons/Training/boarding and more. Please E-mail for any questions you may have. Contact for rates


All Around All Around Horse Training APHA AQHA Arabian Showing Barrel Racing Beginner Riders Welcome! Boarding / Training / Lessons / Hunter / Jumper / Western Pleasu Breaking & Starting Western Horses Building Confidence Colt Starting Communication With Horses Conditioning Demonstrations Desensitization English Disciplines Experience With Quarter Horses Groundwork Halter Training Horse Finishing Horse Tune-Ups Horsekeeping Instruction Horsemanship I Don't Break Horses Under 2-3 Lessons Mustangs Pony Training Problem Horse Trainer Sales And Training Trail Or Pleasure Trailer Loading Training Training Training Safe Trail Horses We Focus On Safety And Learning Communication With Your Horse Western Dressage Western Equitation Western Horses for Sale Western Pleasure Horse Training Western Riding Clinics Western Riding Lessons Western Show Coaching Won the Pinto World Young Horses Young Riders Welcome!
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