Have a problem horse you need fixed?
Maybe a tune up on that barrel horse, pole bending horse or playday horse?
I have extensive experience in training: from starting a two year old to training competitive barrel horses.
When I was very young I began competing at playdays and went on to compete in high school rodeo, where I received many awards, college scholarships, ribbons, belt buckles and saddles.
I competed through college and I am currently hauling two competitive barrel horses, both of which I started from two year olds.
Training available:
Tune ups/problem corrections-from foundation work corrections, to alley way issues and more,
Barrels/pole bending/playday event patterning,
Legging up-I can work your horse to get it back in shape for competition.
All training is western style training
Email me at or call/text me at .
I have references if you would like to talk to any of them.