Keli Wakeley / Western Trainer in Newberry, Florida

Keli Wakeley has been riding and training Western Pleasure horses in South Florida since 1997. She offers freelance riding instruction/training specializing in showmanship, hunter under saddle, hunt seat equitation, competitive trail, western pleasure horsemanship and showmanship. She has been affiliated with AQHA, APHA and ApHC for training and competition. Prior to starting a freelance business in 2003 Keli worked for a local stable in Loxahatchee Florida as Farm Manager and resident CHA Certified Riding Instructor and trainer. During her time at there she maintained a barrel horse training and sale program for the owner, offering barrel horse training, showing and sales. Keli offers lessons for pleasure or show and has a passion for working with both children and adults; she specializes in helping riders utilize their natural aids to communicate well with their mount for a safe and enjoyable ride. All students will learn barn and riding safety, balance and correct equitation in the saddle, learning to move through all gaits while gaining trust and confidence within yourself and your equine partner. My goal is to help my riders to always be in balance with the horse, maintain a correct position in every gait, possess commanding but relaxed presence and have the ability to direct the horse with nearly invisible aids. NOTE: I DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION DIRECTLY AND YOUR INTEREST IS VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE CONTACT or visit us at KW Performance Horses on Faceboook


4-H All Around All Around Horse Training APHA AQHA Barrel Racing Beginner Riders Welcome! Building Confidence Competitive Trail Conditioning Consulting Demonstrations English Disciplines Equestrian Safety Education Classes Equine Sports Experience With Quarter Horses Groundwork Halter Training Help With Purchasing A Horse Horse Finishing Horse Tune-Ups Horsekeeping Instruction Horsemanship Hunt Seat Mobile Training Portraits And Sale Photography Offered Sales And Training Trail Or Pleasure Trail Skills Clinics Trailer Loading Training Training Safe Trail Horses We Focus On Safety And Learning Communication With Your Horse Western Equitation Western Horses for Sale Western Pleasure Horse Training Western Riding Clinics Western Riding Lessons Western Show Coaching Young Riders Welcome!
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