Christine Betz Dressage LLC @ Motters Station Stables / Premier Dressage Trainer in Rocky Ridge, Maryland

Rare Opportunity:

Christine Betz Dressage @ Motters Station Stables has an opening coming available in our training program. Full training or Conditioning/rehab program available. Full training and care at a first class facility with a customized program for you and horse to ensure success and the development of a happy athlete. Training with Grand Prix dressage trainer, Christine Betz with success with an assortment of breeds, WarmBloods Morgan, Arabian, thoroughbreds. Specializing in classical dressage, western dressage, ranch riding, horsemanship and jumping fundamentals.

My training program emphasizes developing the happy athlete with correct fundamentals. Lessons begin on the lung line and focus on developing a balanced and effective seat to ensure consistent performance safely for horse and rider in there development. All riders regardless of their goals are welcome. My program address the needs of professionals and amateurs riders. Additionally, I’m one of the few programs with competitive schoolmasters.

For horse rehabilitation from injury we have safe, airy stabling, private turnouts of various sizes, 24 hour video monitoring and on site staff to facilitate safe recovery. Educated staff who can safely administer oral, IV and IM medications. Additionally we offer conditioning on our European walker and with skilled riders and handlers.


Acts As Agent In Your Search For Your Next Horse Adult Amateurs & Beginners Welcome Advanced Training for Horse & Rider All Breeds Welcome! Beginner Adults And Children Biomechanics Classical Dressage Covered Arena Creates Horses With Good Work Ethic Dressage Clinics Dressage Score Improvements Dressage Show Coaching Equine Rehabilitation FEI Dressage Training First Level Fourth Level Full Grooming Services Full Service Dressage Training Gentle Approach Ground Manners Ground Training Ground Work Haul Ins Welcome Horse Leases Available Kids Kind Lessons For Children And Adults Lunge Lessons Monthly Training Natural Horsemanship Older Adult Riders Welcome! Pleasure Private Riding Lessons Problem Horses Sale Horses School Horses Available Second Level Stallion Starting Dressage Horse Prospects Teaching You How To Train Your Horse Third Level Trail Trail Riding USDF Warmbloods Young Horse Training Young Riders
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