Shirley Colby / Dressage Trainer in Lady Lake, Florida

Shirley Colby has been a lifelong horsewoman and ran her own 14 horse farm for 20 years. She has background in several disciplines but has specialized in dressage for many years and been teaching, coaching, training and competing in dressage for over 3 decades.

Her goal as an instructor has always been to provide consistent quality training that you might normally only get by running a clinic or by being in a training barn with lesson requirements that may not be appropriate for you.

She has been in long term training with Volker Brommann and Barend Heilbron and more recently with Shannon Dueck as well. She has trained with Arthur Kottas, former director of the the Spanish Riding School in numerous 3 day clinics over the past 4 years.

She has experience with and is happy to work with, all types and levels of horses and their riders. She is available to travel to your farm.
Please call to discuss your training needs.


All Breeds Welcome! Classical Dressage Consultation Creates Horses With Good Work Ethic Dressage Clinics Dressage Score Improvements Dressage Show Coaching First Level Gifted Teacher & Trainer With A Foundation In Classical Dressage Ground Manners Ground Training Ground Work Older Adult Riders Welcome! Personalized Programs Problem Horses Re-training Schooling Second Level Teaching You How To Train Your Horse Third Level Warmbloods Will Travel to You
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