Arrow Rose Training / Dressage Trainer in Danville, Indiana

More Info on Training soon to be posted, but here are the basics...

Training offered in 30, 60, 90, or 120 day formats based on the needs of client and horse. Contact us to discuss needs and for the price of training fee for customized program. We offer affordable training packages anywhere from $200 per 30 days to $475 depending on level and type of training. Training includes free initial evaluation of horse, lessons with the owner or other riders of the horse, full stall board with hay and grain included, and horse worked regularly 5-6 days a week. Fee may be reduced if owner is willing to provide hay and grain. All veterinary and farrier expenses to be covered by the owner.

Take advantage of initial free evaluation. It's like receiving a training session for horse with no strings attached. We can talk about how best to customize a program for the horse and owner, and demonstrate all Arrow Rose Training has to offer.

We also offer off site training at your facility or barn. Mileage will be added expense, and facility must offer what is necessary for type of training horse is to receive.

We specialize in areas of training for:

Handling and Ground Manners for Young Stock

Basic Behaviors such as trailer loading, tying, sacking-out, vices, and such

Halter/Showmanship Training

Liberty Work

Long Lining


Starting Under-saddle

Dressage through 2nd level

Hunter/Jumpers through Novice Level/3ft Fences

Western Riding

Foundations for reining


Versatility for 4-H, Open Shows, or Versatility Competitions

Trick Training


Acts As Agent In Your Search For Your Next Horse Adult Amateurs & Beginners Welcome Advanced Training for Horse & Rider All Breeds Welcome! Beginner Adults And Children Biomechanics Classical Dressage Covered Arena Creates Horses With Good Work Ethic Dressage Clinics Dressage Score Improvements Dressage Show Coaching First Level Full Grooming Services Gentle Approach Ground Manners Ground Training Ground Work Haul Ins Welcome Kids Kind Lessons For Children And Adults Long Lining Lunge Lessons Natural Horsemanship Older Adult Riders Welcome! Pleasure Private Riding Lessons Problem Horses Quarter Horse Sale Horses School Horses Available Starting Dressage Horse Prospects Teaching You How To Train Your Horse Trail Trail Riding Will Travel to You Young Horse Training Young Riders
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