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Horseback Riding in Boulder City, Nevada (Clark County)

Sue's Summer Fun Horse Camp
11 miles from Boulder City, NV

I am a Horse Safety and Riding Instructor.
My expertise is understanding the psycology
of horses. I have ten years of experience and work primarily with children, and their parents as a team.

Highlights: Ground Work, Weekend Lessons, Horseback Riding Camps, Young Riders, Private Lessons, Western Pleasure, "Mom & Me" Classes For 3-6 Yr Olds, Family-Friendly Rates, Natural Horsemanship Training
Buddy Uldrikson Horsemanship
11 miles from Boulder City, NV

Available to come to you for clinics and workshops anytime of the week . Will be in Henderson, NV June 3rd to 6th and June 19th and 20th at the Henderson Saddle Club. Call today for registration.

Highlights: Lunge Lessons, Pole Bending, Intermediate Riders, Reining Horses, Children's Riding Lessons, Saddle Fitting, Pony Club, Trail Riding Lessons, Adult Riding Lessons, Young Riders, Mustangs, Gymkhana, Beginning Riders Welcome, Private Lessons, A Circuit Showing, Classical Dressage, Screen Actors Guild Horse Expert, Coaching, Problem Horses, Starting Horses
Las Vegas Riding Academy
20 miles from Boulder City, NV
Visit Las Vegas Riding Academy

We offer a safe, fun, family enviroment.
Horseback Riding Lessons for the Beginner to Intermediate Riders. offering a ground up program that teaches all aspects of horsemanship. We have lesson horses,or bring your own. All Tack and Equipment are pro... See More

Highlights: Adult Riding Lessons, Deaf or Hearing Impaired Riders, Hunter Jumper Training, Horse Sales, Horse Boarding, Equitation All Seats, "Mom & Me" Classes For 3-6 Yr Olds, Intermediate Riders, Private Lessons, Playday Events, Horseback Riding Camps, Beginning Riders Welcome, Young Riders, Girl Scout, Family Friendly Atmosphere, Hunt Seat, Lesson Horses Available, Horse Leases, Confidence Building For Horse And Rider, Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults
Royal Flush Stallion Station & Performance Horses
21 miles from Boulder City, NV
Visit Royal Flush Stallion Station & Performance Horses

We are a performance horse and reining training facility. WE focus on quality horses to train, show and/or sale for our clients. We also offer lessons in reining, roping, barrels, and other western events.

check us out,
our moto is "start to sh... See More

Highlights: Lesson Horses Available, Breaking, Barrel Racing Lessons, Showing, Reining Horses, Private Lessons, Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults, Pony Rides, Team Roping Lessons, Sales Preparation & Representation, Starting Horses, Traveling Instructor, Playday Events, Horse Boarding, Horse Sales, Working Student Program, Ground Work, Weekend Lessons, Breeding Program, "Mom & Me" Classes For 3-6 Yr Olds
Hunter's Edge Farm
22 miles from Boulder City, NV
Visit Hunter's Edge Farm

Hunter's Edge Farm is dedicated to providing the highest quality and safest riding instruction possible. Confidence, respect, and responsibility are all integral parts of the instructional program. HEF emphasizes a strong foundation for jumping, focu... See More

Highlights: All Tack For Lesson Horses Provided, Summer Day Camp Program, Children's Riding Lessons, Girl Scout, Intermediate Riders, Weekend Lessons, Working Student Program, Gift Certificates Available, Hunter Jumper Training, Lesson Ponies Available, Horseback Riding Camps, Lunge Lessons, Reasonable Rates, Family-Friendly Rates, Horse Leases, Pony Rides, Playday Events, Riding Clinics, Horse Sales, Trailer Loading
Pony Party Time
23 miles from Boulder City, NV
Visit Pony Party Time

Offering Riding Lessons in Las Vegas, NV.

Providing Horseback & Pony riding lesson's for children to adults... great for beginners, intermediate and advanced riding students.

We can teach you everything from Care and grooming horses to barre... See More

Highlights: centered Riding, Beginning Riders Welcome, Private Instruction, Trail, Lesson Horses Available, Trailering, Horse Health Care Lessons, Mobile Pony Rides, Reasonable Rates, Horsemanship Skills, Trails, Beginner to Intermediate Riders, Mobile Pony Rides And Petting Farm/petting Zoo. Riding Lessons F, Emotional And Cognitive Disabilities In A Serene Environment, AQHA, Competing, Barn Venue, Traveling Instructor, Horses, Petting Farm
23 miles from Boulder City, NV
Visit S & F RANCH

A Full Service Facility showing Locally and Out Of State. Riding Lessons Training Coaching Show Rides Sales Horse Boarding.
Professional Trainer and competitive Show Rider Sarah Veilleux with over 18 years of experience in many of the equine discipl... See More

Highlights: Family-Friendly Rates, Haul-Ins, Riding Clinics, Timid Riders, Problem Horses, Young Riders, Weekend Lessons, Trail Riding Lessons, Trailer Loading, Group Lessons, Private Lessons, Traveling Instructor, Horse Boarding, Confidence Building For Horse And Rider, Horse Training, Horse Sales, Children's Riding Lessons, Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults, A Circuit Showing, Lesson Horses Available
Big Horse Productions
28 miles from Boulder City, NV

Learn vaulting! (Acrobatics and Dance on a moving horse) Big Horse Productions has performed and competed all over the world in the sport of vaulting and more. Vaulting is a fantastic way to learn balance on horses and let go of your fears. All ag... See More

Highlights: Beginning Riders Welcome, Group Lessons, Weekend Lessons, Adult Riding Lessons, Private Lessons, Intermediate Riders, Riding Clinics, Balanced Seat, Internships, Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults, Lesson Horses Available, Timid Riders, Horse Boarding, Children's Riding Lessons, Showing, Therapeutic Riding Program, Gift Certificates Available, Summer Day Camp Program, Coaching, Playday Events
Kathleen Cormier
29 miles from Boulder City, NV

I love working with horses and have had several years experience providing riding lessons for special needs children and trail rides. I am proficient in grooming and tacking horses. I am a great general farm hand.

Highlights: Trailer Loading, Adult Riding Lessons, Timid Riders, Confidence Building For Horse And Rider, Beginning Riders Welcome, Weekend Lessons, Western Pleasure, Horse Training, Ground Work, Trail Riding Lessons, Young Riders, Starting Horses, Lesson Horses Available, Children's Riding Lessons, Intermediate Riders, Natural Horsemanship Training, Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults, Problem Horses, Private Lessons, Breaking
Horses4Heroes, Inc.
32 miles from Boulder City, NV

Non-profit horseback riding program for the families of military personnel, law enforcement officers, fire fighters and other. Horse case and horsemanship basics are emphasized as well as beginning and intermediate western and English riding.

Highlights: Beginning Riders Welcome, Ground Work, Children's Horse/Pony Birthday Parties, Horseback Riding Camps, Intermediate Riders, Children's Riding Lessons, Showing, Confidence Building For Horse And Rider, Group Lessons, Girl Scout, "Mom & Me" Classes For 3-6 Yr Olds, Trail Riding Lessons, Reasonable Rates, Weekend Lessons, Playday Events, Young Riders, Summer Day Camp Program, Western Games, Family Friendly Atmosphere, Gift Certificates Available
Michael Celso Equestrian
33 miles from Boulder City, NV

Las Vegas's Expert Equestrian Sports Management Team: Training, Coaching, Sport Horse Career Development, Sales & Brokering

Highlights: Classical Dressage, Leasing, Riding Clinics, Horse Training, Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults, Showing, Natural Horsemanship Training, Reasonable Rates, Dressage Training, Adult Riding Lessons, Coaching, Ground Work, Equitation All Seats, Trailer Loading, Hunt Seat, Traveling Instructor, Beginning Riders Welcome, Starting Horses, A Circuit Showing, Trail Riding Lessons
Sydney Knott
36 miles from Boulder City, NV

Affordable beginning and intermediate horseback riding lessons for ages 2 to adult; special rates for service members, veterans and First Responders

Highlights: Family-Friendly Rates, Trail Riding Lessons, Confidence Building For Horse And Rider, Gift Certificates Available, Family Friendly Atmosphere, Ground Work, Beginning Riders Welcome, Children's Riding Lessons, Young Riders, Summer Day Camp Program, Children's Horse/Pony Birthday Parties, Private Lessons, Riding Lessons, Horseback Riding Camps
RNG Farms
71 miles from Boulder City, NV

I am a C.H.A certified Instructor for Riders with Disabilities. I do traditional riding lessons as well. Group lessons (currently only two per group until the third lesson horse gets more practice in) are available. Our rates are very reasonable and ... See More

Highlights: Balance And Confidence For All Types Of Riders, Family Friendly Atmosphere, Beginner to Advanced Riders, Leasing, Reasonable Rates, Horse Lessons, Horse Leases, Playday Events, Children's Horse/Pony Birthday Parties, Certified Instructor, 5 Years & Up, Beginning Riders Welcome, Therapeutic Riding Program, Lesson Horses Available, Working Student Program, CONFIDENCE BUILDER~ Not Just In Your Riding Ability!, Lunge Lessons, Gymkhana, Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults, Private Lessons is © Copyright Sudden Ventures, Inc. ( 0.115 secs on 03/28/25)

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