I am an experienced trimmer offering services for horses of all types. I focus on good hoof balance to achieve a horse that is sound on bare hooves. I document each horse through photos and trim logs.
I am certified by Equine Soundness and am will ... See More
New England's Premier farrier service, serving all levels of hunter/jumper, eventing, dressage and more. I offer a traditional knowledge of farriery mixed with the best of modern technology to create the perfect shoeing solution for your athlete or pSee More
Balanced trimming and shoeing. Founder support, to remedial shoeing. Hot cold shoeing. Boot fitting, equicasting, composite shoes, glue-on's and equipak products. DNP shoes and many more custom made therapeutic support packages.
My name is Amanda Moore and I own and operate Hoof Dogg. I am passionate about hooves and I specialize in barefoot trimming and natural horse care. I focus on proper nutrition, bodywork, and balanced trimming for optimal hoof health and soundness. I See More
...I shoe all types of performance horses, and also pleasure horses. I work on lameness issues and corrective shoeing. If you are looking for quality service and affordable pricing, give me a call.
Trimming and shoeing
***Currently accepting new clients!***
Granite Hooves is a barefoot trimming business offering personalized care & maintenance of the natural hoof. Operated by Amelia Irwin, Granite Hooves offers natural hoof care to horses, ponies, donkeys, mules & ... See More
Carelli Horseshoeing is a full time professional farrier service that provides clients in the Northeast area with a decade of experience providing dependable, timely services for the preformance or pleasure horse. Jordan graduated from the Cornell UnSee More
"Balanced feet for the balanced horse"
Serving Southern NH, Eastern MA, and lower East ME. ... See More
Skilled to do all types of horseshoeing and forging of manufactured and hand made shoes. Corrective, orthopedic, etc. Certified Farrier with the American Farriers' Association.
A.F.A. Certified Farrier since 1996.
Providing superior hoofcare for clients in New Hampshire and Massachusetts
Check out my website at www.prohoof.org for a full listing of services, and customer testimonials.
Farrier, 25 Years experience.
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