I serve buyers and sellers of Horse farms, residential and land, both commercial and private, anywhere in WA. and I can market your WA property both in and out of the state. I have been a Real Estate agent for over 16 years in WA State. I have been a horse person and trainer since I was a child. I've worked at horse facilities and sold large horse farms and small farms. I specialize in helping sellers get thier best price by full knowledgable marketing, and helping buyers find the specific property best for them. I am familiar with land, including wells, septics and land use/ fencing/ farm development and am a land owner myself. I am known to be honest and to take the time and energy to communicate and negotiate for the clients benefit in each transaction. I have worked as a trainer and a consultant to horse operations and believe in finding facilities for clients that emphasize safety, comfort, value, and beauty. Understanding/searching environmental issues and County, State and Federal restrictions on land/buildings is a specialty as well. I am an art major and have studied photography-your listing's presentation is of utmost importance to me. I am available for consultation for buying or selling or developing your horse farm. References are available.