Classic Equine Equipment / Barn Construction Contractor in Fredericktown, Missouri

Since 1991 Classic Equine Equipment has been designing and manufacturing custom horse stalls and interior/exterior barn components. Our goal is to provide you with safe, high quality products that will last a lifetime. From small home based barns, historical renovations, large commercial barns, and state of the art "Dream Barns". Your project, big or small, will be handled with same attention to detail and care as the next. We also offer barn doors, window grills, shutters, barn flooring, lighting, and barn accessories. "There's nothing like a Classic"


Barn Equipment (Arena Drags, etc) Center Aisle Barns Custom Horse Barn & Stall Construction Custom Stall Fronts Equestrian Center Design & Construction Expo Stalls Horse Barn and Stall Flooring Horse Barn Design & Build Horse Barn Doors (Sliding, Dutch, Overhead) Horse Barn Remodeling Livestock Equipment Rubber Pavers Saddle & Bridle Racks Stall Mats
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