Sterling Equine / Barn Construction Contractor in Farmington, Missouri

Sterling Equine designs, builds, and delivers custom horse stalls to meet your equine lifestyle. We take pride in making the most innovative and elegant designs on the market and we love our customers to be involved in the design process, so you always get the highest quality service and product. Our goal is to provide heavy-duty equipment that is safe for your equine partners and seamlessly incorporated in your barn for both beauty and functionality.
Other products we provide include arena panels, top quality equine flooring, barn accessories, and design/layout consultations.


Barn Equipment (Arena Drags, etc) Corral Panels Custom Stall Fronts Expo Stalls Horse Barn and Stall Flooring Horse Barn Doors (Sliding, Dutch, Overhead) Livestock Equipment Pasture Fencing Saddle & Bridle Racks Stall Mats
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