Buffalo Fence & Barn Co. / Barn Construction Contractor in Flagstaff, Arizona

Buffalo Fence & Barn is an established Choice Barns Dealer building and installing modular steel horse barns and buildings with safety in mind. Our decades of knowledge and passion for horses is what gives us the ability to construct, with attention to detail, the safest, most functional, structurally superior, aesthetically pleasing and exceptionally durable barns and buildings. All of our barns and buildings are constructed and built with a "Lifetime Kick-Thru Warranty" and a roof system built to withstand high winds and heavy snow loads. Our steel interior wall systems make our barns and buildings fire-resistant, chew-proof and easy to maintain. We also offer fencing and installation; farm and ranch equipment.


Barn Equipment (Arena Drags, etc) Center Aisle Barns Corral Panels Custom Garages Custom Horse Barn & Stall Construction Equipment Sheds Farm Workshops Gambrel Barn Construction Horse Barn Doors (Sliding, Dutch, Overhead) Indoor Riding Arena Construction Livestock Equipment Loafing Sheds Metal & Steel Buildings Pasture Fencing Rodeo Equipment Run In Sheds Saddle & Bridle Racks Stall Mats Straight Gable Turnout Shed Construction
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