Please check our web site to see horses for sale and/or at stud. www.diamanh.com Our web site is updated weekly and contains nearly 100 head of horses for sale. We are a breeding farm, so (other than a few of the broodmares) almost all of these horses have been raised and trained here. Descriptions, photos, and prices for the horses are at the web site.
Well broke horses for sale at all times. All ages, all colors, all riding levels. 60 - 70 head to choose from.
Specialize in young APHA reining and cutting prospects.
Senior stallion is Ris Key Business (lost him in 2012....but still have frozen semen...) Multiple world champion(reining/working cow), multiple world champion sire(reining/working cow/roping). NRHA $ earner. Sire of all time open performance point earning stallion: Strait from Texas (until his untimely death). Sire of RR RiskyMastrpiece. Gsire of Gunsmokensugar.
Mares are daughters of world champions, world champion producers. NCHA and NRHA $$ earners.
bBuckskin/dun homozygous black, homozygous tobiano - Pepsis Color Master. 5 panel negative.
black DOUBLE HOMOZYGOUS tobiano son of Ris Key Business 5 panel negative.
grullo DOUBLE HOMOZYGOUS tobiano - Color Me Smart/Boon Bar/Strait from Texas. 5 panel negative.
Quality horses for sale at all times. Most have photos, profiles, and prices at our web site!!
Check out the web site: www.diamanh.com and/or our face book page: Diaman H Stables