S.T.A.R.S. of Horsemanship is located at Triple L Stables near Gilbert Road & Chandler Blvd, and we are opening another location in Chandler Heights in 2013. Lessons are coordinated and designed by an ARIA and EAGALA certified instructor with a degree in Equine Science and over 35 years experience with horses. Both English and/or Western riding is taught to all ages & abilities. We are also a certified AZ Special Olympics Equestrian Delegation and offer free lessons & showing to our Special Olympics athletes and we have volunteer opportunities for our students/parents. Lessons are taught with a classical, safety first approach with exposure to fun activities such as showing, gymkhanas, jumping, bareback riding, arena games, horse soccer, trail riding and other special events providing just the right environment for growing lifelong enthusiasts. Private, Semi-Private and Group Lessons, as well as leasing and showing on a local level, are also available to all students.