Hidden Haven Farm Equine Sanctuary & Education Center / Riding Instructor in Bowie, Maryland

Hidden Haven Farm currently provides a permanent home to 14 special needs equines from our work with various local rescue organizations. Our horses are utilized in our education and outreach programs which seek to introduce horses to our community. We offer private english lessons, pony play dates, birthday parties, show teams, volunteer and working student programs and various other educational and outreach programs. We are a family owned and operated business since 1991 and we pride ourselves on our individualized instruction, attention to detail, supervision and support of our students and volunteers.


Confidence Building For Horse And Rider 4-H Balanced Seat Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults Certified Instructor CHA Certified Instructors Children's Horse/Pony Birthday Parties Girl Scout Haul-Ins Horseback Riding Camps Hunt Seat Instructor Training Program Internships Playday Events Private Lessons Showing Timid Riders Traveling Instructor
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