The Excellent Horse / Riding Instructor in Marshall, Virginia

Jan Snodgrass can teach you how to develop your horse’s topline through a combination of TTouch-based bodywork, in-hand exercises and specialized work under saddle. Jan’s 40 years of experience includes 30 years of TTouch, (the work of Linda Tellington-Jones), eventing though advanced level, third level dressage, reschooling OTTBs, rehabbing horses with many types of physical problems and more. This background has enabled Jan to develop a unique program specifically designed to develop your horse’s Topline. In addition, Jan offers rehabilitation for horses with physical problems, especially those recovering from EPM, Lyme and other neurological ailments. Jan’s LightHeart Farm is in the heart of Virginia’s horse country. Like The Excellent Horse on face book contact her through her website.


Classical Dressage Clinics Ground Driving Individual Sessions Lunging Problem Horses Rehab Boarding Topline Development Ttouch Bodywork
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