Heart to Hoof Horsemanship - Classical Riding - Bitless / Riding Instructor in Queen Creek, Arizona

Heart to Hoof Horsemanship with Yvonne Welz: Riding lessons available for serious students who are interested in learning about classical schooling of the horse using bitless bridles. A focus on natural horse care, barefoot management, and classical techniques that are health promoting. Well-trained bitless schoolhorses are available for riding lessons. They are priceless! Yvonne offers a unique approach to riding and horse care that is centered around what is truly good for the horse.

Current 2023 rates: Private lessons $65 per hour at our facility, which includes the use of one of our schoolhorses.

Yvonne Welz is a professional horsewoman with over 35 years of equine management and training experience. Formerly a competitive dressage rider, she schooled many horses up to an advanced level and achieved national awards with them. Always focused on learning, Yvonne studied the finer art of classical horsemanship even while she was competing. This included the French classical methods, which she learned directly from world class horsemen. She loves passing on this valuable knowledge to her riding students. She has trained many horses from scratch, starting them under saddle and schooling them to higher levels. She finds great joy in teaching horses how to use their bodies in a way that improves them both physically and mentally. She studied several different methods of natural horsemanship, and also trained in equine nutrition, saddle fitting, and barefoot hoof trimming. In 2013, she discovered the bitless wheel bridles and embraced classical riding without the use of bits! Yvonne is an Associate Trainer with the World Bitless Association.

Website at hearttohoofhorse dot com
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