Stephanie teaches riders from beginners through skilled on their own horses or reliable lesson horses at all levels - first the principles of control of the horse's body and influencing its attitude from the ground, later astride, and then using the logical building blocks of dressage to give riders a good foundation of balance, control, and independence of aids to pursue whatever avenue of the sport of horseback riding they choose to follow. Although a trainer and competitor of Dressage horses to the FEI level for over 35 years, Stephanie also teaches students who choose to specialize in hunt seat, jumping, western, western dressage, or gaming. Her assistant trainer Ann Tukey Shideler has taken over the instruction of jumping. Meadowgate is the new home of the reorganized Skagit Valley Pony Club.
Please see listing for Stephanie Blockley - Clarke Dressage Trainer for more photos.
Meadowgate is just east of Interstate 5 at exit 215. Contact Stephanie by text or phone at or by email at or on facebook.