We are dedicated to the sport of Dressage, and our trainers and clients compete regularly in USDF sanctioned shows, MDA and ADA events. We are a full service facility and can assist you with all of your needs. We work with each of our clients to provide them with the ideal situation for each of their horses. If you're a beginner, don't be shy, there is no time like the present to get started! If you are looking for a program to keep you and your FEI competition horse in top form, we are the place to be and have many clients that trust us with keeping them not only prepared, but successful in the show ring. We also have horses for lease and lessons that range from beginner to FEI mounts!! We have a fantastic team of world class farriers, veterinarians, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and more, who work with us each month to make sure your equine partner has everything it needs to give you it's highest level of performance. Our farm boasts an indoor and outdoor arena, mile long track behind the property that has hills, wash racks, huge green turnouts, round the clock supervision, and a fabulous team of professionals. Please inquire via email or phone. Looking forward to working with you and reaching all of your goals!