Sometimes you don't know what you don't know. Think about it.
I teach horsemanship relationships to help horses "want to" participate in our lives. Plain and simple. It's everything horses want you to know. And it can be better than you ever imagined it could be!
Have you ever been hurt by horses in the past? Were you ever kicked, bitten, bucked or have you had a fall? My experience includes a specialized area in helping those who love horses, but may have had an experience that set them back. I pride myself on having a "no pressure" environment for people who have fear issues and teaching ability to help you overcome those issues.
There is a psychology to horses that has been over looked. Horses have an opinion too. For too many years we've been taught to "show the horse whose boss", "don't let them know your afraid of them", "kick to go, pull to stop", "don't get off, the horse will think he won". The list goes on and on. The truth is that we don't know what we don't know. So we trust people with more experience to guide us. Who have you trusted? Perhaps you even lived to regret it. Come learn to trust yourself and the horse by learning about the horse and recognizing what you need to do and when. An education you can take with you into any relationship!
Do you own a horse? or are you considering buying one? What are your horses issues?
Ever ask "Why does he/she do that?"
People think that if they aren't riding a horse, then what else is there?
Ever be going along nicely and "For no reason at all" your horse spooks, shies, explodes, etc.
If your considering buying a horse, do you know what your really getting into?
How much time have you spent learning how they think so you can be as safe as possible in any riding dicipline you choose? Do you know how to choose the right horse for you? Do you fully understand the commitment of owning a half ton animal? Are you sure of what you do know and what you've already learned?
You have a place to go to get educated properly.
This program teaches you how to "read" your horse and create a language to "communicate" with him/her. It's interactive conversation through body language and use of energy. Instead of your horse feeling "owned", they feel like they are building a relationship with you. A partnership. An understanding. It's so much more than getting on and going. It's about getting you're horse to put his heart into what you'd like him to do for you.
If you love horses you know the magic of just being around them. Perhaps you've accepted things the way they are because you've never known anything different. You can have a horse who runs to the gate to meet you. A horse who looks forward to being with you. Who cant wait to have you get on to go jump that course or turn that barrel and puts his heart into it. One who respects your space. Stands still to be mounted. A friend who feels that you understand them. You can be a partner to your horse so at the end of the day it was as good for your horse as it was for you. The kind of relationship where your horse wants to be with you more than he wants to be anywhere else. Even the barn or his buddies!
Let me give you a demonstration on what this relationship looks like.