CF Dressage / Riding Instructor in Homestead, Florida

Cf dressage focuses on the relationship between horse and rider. Our instructor, Christina Fiebeck, is a certified centered riding instructor and 3rd level dressage rider who has trained under numerous olympic level trainers. She also carries a bachelor's degree in dressage instruction as well as equestrian business management. Our goal in training all levels of horses and riders is to make sure a solid foundation is built, without any gaps. We follow the USDF's training pyramid, focusing on rhythm a relaxation. We work with all types of riders and horses, as it is our belief that a solid foundation in dressage with a centered seat will get you to excell in any discipline, whether its dressage, trail riding, hunter/jumper, or an ottb that needs reschooling. We also cross-train and add some fun to our training with some jumping, trail riding, and games.


centered Riding Dressage Training Equestrian Horseback Riding Jumper Lessons
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