Erin M Goodney / Riding Instructor in Poland, New York

Erin M Goodney is the resident trainer of Franconia Farm in Remsen,New York.She also travels to offer her serivices. Erin has spent her entire life involved in the equine industry and has ridden under a variety of trainers to improve her riding ability. She has also spent time working under international riders and trainers. Erin has shown on the hunter and equitation curcuits from local showing to IHSA showing, A rated showing at HITS Saugerties, Lake Placid, and Syracuse. Erin has traveled to Wellington, Florida during the winter months to work in the big time show world. She has a Bachelors Degree in Animals Science with a Concentration of Equine from Suny Cobleskill. Erin gives English riding lessons to the competitive rider who wants to be involved in the show ring, or the rider who just wants to ride for the pleasure of it. She offers training that includes lessons,starting under saddle, schooling/conditioning and corrective behavior/riding vices. Erin also includes showing in her schedule and offers coaching throughout a show to her students or showing a client's horse. Erin strives to teach students to communicate with their horse in a way that allows the horse to move in their natural abilities. She helps deepen the bond and strengthen the relationship between rider and horse that will give confidence to those who seek it.


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