Skys the Limit Riding and Training / Riding Instructor in Delano, Minnesota

Sky’s the limit riding program offers horse training, riding lessons and horse programs throughout the year. In our training programs, we emphasize groundwork, safety and forming a bond with the horse based on respect and trust. With our riding lessons, we provide a fun, family atmosphere for everyone. Our program encourages students of all ages and levels to learn and develop their own personal horsemanship skills. Lessons are designed to work with each individual at his or her own pace and comfort zone. We strive for a relaxed environment so you can enjoy learning. We cater to riders of all ages in English and western. . Lessons will include basic horse care and safely working around a horse. Brushing, tacking, bridling will be included until the rider shows competence in these areas to move towards independence. For our programs, we currently offer "A Day with Horses", a half day program for people who would like to learn about horse ownership and what is involved. We also offer a heated indoor arena, bathroom, trails, and large outdoor for those summer days. Come experience the joy and beauty of the world seen on horseback.


Confidence Building For Horse And Rider 4-H Adult Riding Lessons Balanced Seat Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults Beginning Riders Welcome Children's Riding Lessons Coaching Family Friendly Atmosphere Family-Friendly Rates Ground Work Horse Leases Horse Sales Horse Training Hunter Jumper Training Intermediate Riders Lesson Horses Available Private Lessons Problem Horses Reasonable Rates Showing Traveling Instructor Weekend Lessons Western Pleasure Young Riders
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