Dream Big Stables / Riding Instructor in Eaton, New York

Dream Big Stables is a ride at your own risk farm. Children under the age of 16 are requierd to wear a helmats at any given time only for their safety. Children ages 16-17 are allow to have their parents consent o decide weather or not they are able o go without a hemaet.. Anyone over the age of 18 do not have to wear one unless they wish to. Trail riding starts at $25 an hour and for an extra hours are $25 as well. Lessons are $10 an hour during the week and then $15 on the weekend only because we would be taking our time for our weekends to help others. Training horses is one of our specialties. They will be separated from our horse only for caution due t any illnesses, but tey are to be cogged and rabies with their shots up to date as well. We have a 30 day training policy where after the 30 days you can take a couple days to see how your horse does to your satisfaction. We are demanding $200 up front and hen $200 at the end for a total of $400 with our supply of feed, grooming, and hay. As trainers we are giving you a dream at life to do, and becomes anything and everything you want. We will get you to yur best abilities to be a great rider or just to have fun out on a trail ride. Our horses are not mean at all, some are young and some are old. Horses will have their days,but there is nothing we can do bout that but to work with them. This is the reason why Dream Big Stables is the right place to "dream big" at. In order to fisn for a child uner the age of 18 you have to be a league guardian or parent.


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