KD Equine Training / Riding Instructor in Bucyrus, Kansas

Specializing in Hunter/Jumpers and Barrel Racing *Traveling to you and horse around the Kansas City Area*

Offering a MOBILE training program that caters to the horse and rider wanting to improve their riding ability whether its for recreational purposes or competition. With years of working and competing with some of the best horses and trainers I strive share all my knowlege and experience to assure that the clients and horses will have all the tools they need to succeed. Training services are customized to each individual horse and rider focusing on what they need and want to accomplish. While specializing in Hunter/Jumper and Barrel racing training services are not limited. Services include Breaking, starting green horses, tune-ups, training rides,montly training, riding lessons, training for respect for ALL ages.


Confidence Building For Horse And Rider Adult Riding Lessons Balanced Seat Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults Beginning Riders Welcome Breaking Children's Riding Lessons Coaching Equitation All Seats Ground Work Group Lessons Horse Sales Horse Training Hunter Jumper Training Intermediate Riders Lunge Lessons Natural Horsemanship Training Private Lessons Problem Horses Reasonable Rates Sales Preparation & Representation Showing Starting Horses Trailer Loading Traveling Instructor Weekend Lessons Young Riders
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