Bailey Horse Connection / Riding Instructor in Spiro, Oklahoma

"My name is Doug Bailey and my life is devoted to the teaching of horsemanship because the nature of the horse is what rings true to me, both inside and outside the arena. Over the years I have developed training principles which are based on age-old horse handling methods. I am currently centering my training sessions around the sport of barrel racing and helping riders and horses improve their communication to produce a faster, smoother run. The goal of my training sessions is that you leave with a better understanding of how to communicate with your horse and increased confidence. I have worked with and learned from some of the greatest horsemen and horse women of our time.
Doug is a Certified Horseshoer, accomplished Team Roper, trains barrel horses and teaches riding using natural horsemanship methods. If you are a barrel racer and want to learn techniques and exercises to improve your horse and lower you clock time call Doug at . Watch for scheduled horsemanship clinics at or follow us on Facebook - Bailey Horse Connection.


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