Happy Hooves Pony Club
Happy Hooves Pony Club wants to contribute to the education of young riders in all aspects of horse management, riding, safety and knowledge. We strives to develop self-confidence, leadership, responsibility, and moral judgment in its Members.
Happy Hooves Pony Club Goals
To foster the safe enjoyment of horses and riding.
To provide an educational program in riding, horse management
and stable management.
To guide and support riders in setting and achieving realistic goals.
To develop an understanding and sympathy of the horse by our
To foster teamwork and good sportsmanship.
To teach basic principles of first aid for horses and riders.
To teach correct, safe use and care of equipment.
To encourage the development of well-rounded, self-disciplined,
responsible citizens.
To provide parents an opportunity to share in and support the
riders love of horses and riding.
To provide riding opportunities that allow parents to pool resources
and keep costs associated with this sport from becoming prohibitive
To make known to parents and the community the development
benefits of the discipline and responsibilities involved in riding and
horse care