Silver Shadow Training / Riding Instructor in Paso Robles, California

We offer a variety of lesson programs that can accommodate nearly any rider!

Beginner - Advanced
Pleasure riding - the Show Ring

From the lead-liners, to our adults thinking about the big step of finally getting their own horse, we teach everybody with their future & goals in mind, and do our best to contribute well-rounded & educated equestrians for the future of the horse world.

Our Beginner lessons start from the ground up, with learning things such as - Proper leading & handling of the horse, understanding the horses 'sight' zones, grooming, tack & it's uses, basic anatomy of the horse, mounting/dismounting correctly, and general safely & first aid, and more more more! All students must groom & tack their own horse before riding, which is a particularly great way to learn responsibility & time management, all while having fun!

Our Advanced lessons are specifically tailored around your abilities & goals. You pick what you want to work on, and we'll tackle it together!


Though we specialize in Western gaming events (Barrel Racing & Gymkhana.), we also offer lessons in several other Western disciplines. We currently have students competing with CGA (Cal. Gymkhana Assoc.) ranging from lead-liners to more advanced riders working towards their State Awards. A few of our other riders show locally/open in W. Pleasure, Trail, Showmanship, & More.
Schooling & training also available for:

- Basic Western Riding
- Horsemanship
- Halter
- Amateur Reining
- Trail (Show & casual)
- Western Pleasure


Basic English riding lessons available:

- Hunter Under Saddle
-English Pleasure
- Equitation
- Low-Level Dressage
(Referral available for higher level Dressage trainer.)

** Rates **

At the ranch:

* Private lesson on one of our school horses - $45 / Hr.

* Private lesson on your horse (Haul in) - $40 / Hr.

* Semi-Private (2 riders, on our horses) - $30 /Hr./Rider.
(Space/scheduling is limited, call for availability.)

* Group lessons (3-4 riders, haul in only) - $20 /Hr./Rider

* 1/2 Hour & Leadline lessons available for the 'little' ones as well! - $25

Lessons to you:

I can travel to any boarding facility, private ranch, or public arena in SLO Co.
Private lessons starting at $45. Call for more pricing information based on traveling distance/time.

We also offer full training, from colt starting to tune-ups.

Be sure to check out our website for pictures, videos, and contact info.

References available upon request.

FOR A QUICKER RESPONSE, PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY AT - or I have a hard time receiving emails through this website.

-Nikki Egyed


Confidence Building For Horse And Rider 4-H Adult Riding Lessons Beginner Riding Lessons for Adults Beginning Riders Welcome Breaking Children's Riding Lessons Coaching Equitation All Seats Family Friendly Atmosphere Family-Friendly Rates Gift Certificates Available Ground Work Group Lessons Haul-Ins Horse Leases Horse Sales Horse Training Hunter Jumper Training Intermediate Riders Lesson Horses Available Lunge Lessons Natural Horsemanship Training Private Lessons Problem Horses Reasonable Rates Riding Clinics Showing Starting Horses Timid Riders Trail Riding Lessons Trailer Loading Traveling Instructor Weekend Lessons Western Pleasure Working Student Program Young Riders
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