Peaceful boarding facility located in beautiful central Maine!
Pasture board @ $350/month includes rotation through 15 acres of large fields for summer grazing, access to large run in shelters, salt and mineral blocks, hay fed out of spacious, custom hay huts.
Smaller paddock @$425/month offering 24/7 hay, grain and/or supplements fed 1x daily (you provide), blanketing and fly mask application at no extra cost, access to salt and mineral blocks.
3 stalls w/ private runs @$500/month, 24/7 hay, grain and/or supplements fed 1x daily (you provide), blanketing and fly mask application.
On property100x200 outdoor arena, round pen, private farm trails as well as direct access to endless recreational trails.
On farm leasing and temporary vacation board also available! We also have experience boarding minis and can cater to their special, little needs.
Farm owners live on site. We schedule routine group veterinarian, dental and farrier appointments to help with farm calls and will hold your horse(s) if needed. We are passionate about healthy, happy horses and do our best to make this environment helpful and succesful for all owners!
Please contact for us more information or to schedule a visit. We are located in Fairfield about 10 minutes from I-95 and downtown Waterville.