Summer Camps, Lessons and 1/2 leases doe all ages. 24 school horses largest program around. Grp lessons all 3 ppl and under. We keep it fun and loving and all about learning how to ride properly. Pony Parties , grouo event we do it all!!We are a family farm for riders of all ages and disciplines. I have been taking f care of horses my entire like I grew up on a huge 40 + horses boarding facility. We know horses and how to care for them as training them from backing to professional training. We do shows here and there( 1 a month) but we are more into enjoying our horses and learning to ride properly clinics and educational events. We have two locations another one up the street. One place is the riding academy and the other farm is our retirement farm and retreat center. So you can choose your location
All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome
All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome
Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses.
Breathwork, Yoga, Reiki, Mirror Work, Special Olympics
Daily Individual Turnouts
Daily Pasture Turn-out
Full Service Boarding Facility
Geriatric Horse Care
Group Activities
Group Instruction
Horse Injury Rehabilitation
Horse Leases Available
Horse Summer Day Camp for Kids
Horse Training
Horse Transport Available
Horse/Pony Birthday Parties
Horseback Riding Lessons
Hunter Jumper
Indoor Riding Arena
Natural Horsemanship
Open 7 Days a Week
Outdoor Arena
Pasture Board
Private Riding Lessons
Retirement With Full Care
Riding Clinics
Riding Trails Available
Round Pen
Showing Program
Trail Riding
Western Pleasure