Timber Edge Farm / Horse Boarding Farm in Shabbona, Illinois

We are located in beautiful Northern Illinois approximately 70 miles west of Chicago. We are a small boarding facility specializing in the individual needs of every horse and owner. Daily turnout on large grass pastures with ample space to run and play.

Our goal is to provide you with dependable and affordable equine care. Please visit our web page at www.timberedgefarm.com or contact us directly at to set up an appointment to visit.


Affordable Horse Boarding Rates All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome Arena Beautiful Board Boarding Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Pasture Turn-out Daily Turn Outs Excellent Care Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Grass Great Care Horse Retirement Care Horses for Sale Individualized Care Indoor Riding Arena Natural Horsemanship Obstacle Course Training. Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Owner On Premises Pasture Board Pastures Peaceful & Quiet Setting Peaceful And Relaxing Personal Attention Given To Each Horse And Human Personalized Care Retirement With Full Care Riding Trails Available Round Pen Stall Boarding Trail Riding Trailer Parking Available United States Veterinary Care Wash Rack Western Western Pleasure
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