Andrea Durham / Horse Boarding Farm in Livonia, Michigan

Optimize your Performance through Natural healing Clinics for the equine and equestrian. Learn how to heal and calm yourself and your horse through intuitive reiki practices, yoga and meditation practice. Are you interested in increasing your communication, understanding and relationship with your horse? Do you find yourself overly anxious when it comes to competition and shows? Hi, I am Andrea Durham and have been a competitive horse trainer, instructor, yoga and meditation teacher and Reiki practitioner for over 30 years. With extensive experience in and out of the competition ring I understand the equine and equestrian mindset. I have taught and trained hundreds of clients how to reduce stress through meditation and breath work on and off the horse, enhancing and optimizing performance and communication skills. I am currently open for clinics that will offer you and your horse the very same benefits. Let me help you establish a calmer mindset and practice that will improve your riding skills exponentially. Call today for a full breakdown on one of my weekend clinics. Groups of 2-6. Clinics held at your barn. Come away with skills to improve your riding, learn to calm anxiety in you and your horse. You will receive a workbook, charts, Reiki Level 1 certificate and access to my Private FB group for The Intuitive Equestrian. Price based on number of participants. No Past knowledge required. Beginners with no show experience just wanting to learn how to be more intuitive with their horse up to advanced level (trainers welcome to learn my program and pass it on to your students) Riders.


All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome Dressage Education English Equine Reiki Equitation Group Activities Group Instruction Horse Injury Rehabilitation Horse Training Optimizing Equestrian Performance Clinics Riding Clinics Western Yoga and Meditation for the Equestrain
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