Full Care Horse boarding available in Lincoln. Family friendly, private boarding.
Facility includes
*2 Barns
*Timer Fly Spray Systems
*Hot Walker
*Round Pen
*Covered Wash Rack
*Pastures with shelters for individual daily turn out
-Included in board-
*AM & PM feeding (will feed grain if owner provided)
*Stall cleaning 6 days a week
*Daily turn out service
Additional Services Available
*Hold your horse for vet or farrier care
*Trailering for vet appointments
*Trailering for trail rides
*Blanket on/off
*Additional fly spray your individual horse
*Hand walking or Hot Walker constant observation
*Caring for wounds/bandaging
Owners live on site so your horse is always observed and cared for. Camera system set up for us to monitor your horses 24/7. The horses are cared for and given the utmost respect and care they deserve. They receive the exact same care as my own horses receive.
E-mail for more information or to come tour our facility.
https://bluelineranchca.visit our website