Cedar Grove Farm Horse Boarding / Premier Horse Boarding Farm in Burgettstown, Pennsylvania

Cedar Grove Farm is a western facility (all disciplines are welcome!) in Burgettstown, PA that offers boarding, lessons, on-site leases, and training. We specialize in rehabilitation, colt starting, gaming, and newly focused on ranch riding with plans on becoming more active in the western show circuit. We also have several amazing horses available for ON-SITE lease, so if you want to ride but don’t want the expense of owning a horse then this is for you! We have a ton of beautiful trails right on the property for the avid trail rider! With all that being said, our horses need to feel their best if they are going to perform at their best! We have everything our boarded horses need to thrive at their next show or even on their next trail ride. The following therapy services will also be included with board:

⭐️Magnawave twice monthly
⭐️Kinesiology taping
⭐️Red Light/IR XLR8 therapy wraps
⭐️ Top Hand Red Light Therapy Universal Wrap
⭐️Theraplate with IR Solarium
⭐️Flexineb Equine Nebulizer
⭐️Cold Laser
⭐️Ice Vibe Boots

Full care board is $575 (flat rate with no up-charges) message us today to schedule a tour and join our wonderful barn family! Here is a list of more amenities that are included in board:

✨Indoor arena
✨Beautiful trails on and off property
✨Bathroom on site
✨Temperature controlled tack rooms
✨ 115x80 lighted outdoor arena with new footing
✨TF Cutter Flag system
✨All supplied supplements and medication by owner will be given (this includes fly spray and/or fly mask and blankets)
✨We have a stellar first aid kit and are prepared for any type of emergency big or small
✨Plenty of turnout in large fields
✨Large fans for hot summer days
✨Body checks done daily
✨We worm all horses and they are on the same schedule
✨Mineral blocks provided in all pastures
✨We have our own mix of high quality grain. We also provide a senior (Nutrena Senior ProForce) and a low starch (Tribute Kalm N EZ) option. Grained 2x daily
✨We bale roughly 200 acres of Orchard/Timothy/Alfalfa mix hay, horses never go without hay
✨Regular scheduled Vet, Lameness Vet, Farrier, and Chiropractor all come to barn
✨Very knowledgeable and vigilant owners who live onsite


All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome AQHA Arena Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Boarding Broodmare And Foal Care Cold Laser Confidence Boosting Lessons Confidence Builder Lessons Cryotherapy Cutter Flag System Daily Individual Turnouts Daily Pasture Turn-out Dressage Education English English Pleasure Equilibrium Massage Therapy Mitt With Heat Equine Nebulizer Equine Solarium Equitation Eventing Flexineb Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Group Activities Group Instruction Horse Injury Rehabilitation Horse Leases Available Horse Training Horse Transport Available Horseback Riding Lessons Horses for Sale Hunter Jumper Indoor Riding Arena Ir/red Light Wraps Jumping Kinesiology Taping Layovers, Stopovers Magnawave Massage Gun Natural Horsemanship Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Overnight Stabling Pasture Board Pastures Private Riding Lessons Red Light Device Rehabilitation Retirement With Full Care Riding Clinics Riding Trails Available Roping Dummies Round Pen Showing Program Stables Stall Boarding Theraplate Trail Riding Weekly Stays Western Western Pleasure Youth
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