Horse Board property on Statesville’s East side. Openings and ready for your Horse in a small herd, no fuss, natural horse care setting.
Free movement between Pasture(s), Paddocks and Stalls.
Full Care (*$365/ mo) includes:
•Quality *Hay (see note below) and/or free choice Pasture in season.
•Clean water
•12’x12’+ Stalls in ventilated Stable
•Enclosed Tack Room
•Supplements/ Feed (Boarder provided) fed up to twice daily.
•Will Hold, Blanket, Mask, or Fly Spray as needed (Boarder provided).
•Use of Fly Predators APR- OCT.
•Manure pickup in Paddocks and Stalls twice a day. Pastures on alternate days.
•Riding in and around Pastures, Round Pen, Currently No “Covered” Arena.
*HAY: Due to High Hay costs Additional $40/ month NOV-MAR raising Board to *$365 until Spring, then reverting down to $325/ mo. APR-OCT.