Tenderfoot Stables Corp.
Horse Boarding Farm in Brogue, Pennsylvania

Prices range from $200-$350. We strive to provide quality care for an affordable price! 46 acres of pastures that are well maintained with soil tests, lime, fertilizer, and rotational grazing so lots of grass and turnout available. Personalized parasite management included with each available boarding option and done with onsite fecal testing. Different boarding options available to give you choice in the care your horse receives. English and Western lessons also available on site. Lots of trails available to ride. Monthly communication sent out to keep you updated on barn happening and events. Call us for a tour!
All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome
All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome
Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses.
Daily Pasture Turn-out
Full Service Boarding Facility
Group Instruction
Horseback Riding Lessons
Hunter Jumper
Open 7 Days a Week
Outdoor Arena
Pasture Board
Private Riding Lessons
Riding Trails Available
Showing Program
Stall Boarding
Trail Riding
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