Horse Boarding in Gorgeous Pasture in Loomis! Available April 1st
$280 with feed included. King Rd and Sierra college
I will feed one flake twice daily of the boarders choosing
This pasture is 1.75 acres fully fenced with my 18 year old mare quarter horse
There is a two horse shelter that was just built 2/10/19. There is also lots of big heritage oaks on the property
I supply a feeder. There are also 2 water trophs on the property -120 gallon and 50 gallon.
There is a hitching rail that can be accessed with the hose and can be a wash station.
Included is an all metal tack cabinet that locks, located in the hay shed that can store any saddle, mats, bridles.
You are a 2.2 mile (23 minutes) ride away from the Bird Sanctuary which is 97 acres of land and trails you can ride on.
The Loomis Park where there is a horse arena and trails is only 2.4 miles away (7 minute drive, would need to trailer).
The Sterling point assembly area is 7 miles away (14 minute drive). You can park your trailer and ride down to the lake.
If you’re a laid back boarder looking for someone to really love and care for your horse, this is the right place for you!