Equine Odyssey, LLC / Horse Boarding Farm in Dexter, Michigan

We are a USHJA Certified Riding Academy specializing in hunters, jumpers and equitation. Our full service barn, is located just 10 minutes from downtown Ann Arbor, MI. We offer boarding, lessons, leases, sales and competing at A/AA USEF rated shows. We have a top rider and professional with over 40 year end national, regional and state titles and she is Safe Sport Certified. She also coaches the Dexter High School Equestrian Team. We attend A and AA shows at the World Equestrian Center, Brave Horse, HJAM (Michigan show series), MHJA(Michigan), Chicago, Kentucky, Florida and NY. Let us help you from beginner to advanced rider level. Each year we also organize and host a "College Day" event to help riders meet hunt seat/equitation coaches at top colleges from the Midwest.


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