High Standards Equestrian Center is a full service, top notch, facility. The Equestrian Center serves clients from MD/DC/VA. Convenient drive from Alexandria, DC, and other surrounding areas. Located approximately 20 minutes from the beltway and 15 minutes from the Prince George's Equestrian Center, We also offer full care boarding as well as temporary and self care board.
High Standards is located on 43 acres in Brandywine, MD. The barn consists of 43 stalls attached to 80 x 200 indoor arena. In addition to the large indoor arena, there are 3 outdoor rings (sand, grass, and low level cross country). Amenities included but not limited to are:
2 Full Bathrooms (Heated)
Personal Lockers for Boarders
12x12 Stalls
Wash Stall with hot and cold water
Security Surveillance Cameras
Heated/Air Conditioned Viewing Room for the Indoor Arena
We offer lessons and Full Care Boarding as well as Self Care and Temporary.