Mattalyn Hughes Dressage is based out of Icon Sporthorses, LLC in the West Knoxville, TN area. Icon is the elite facility in the Knoxville area. We currently have several openings for board in October, 2016, as well as limited space for training/sales horses and lesson students.
The facility boasts a 60 stall barn with several grooming and wash bays, an indoor ring with an observation area from lounge which also has a kitchen, outdoor, warm-up/lunging ring, and 5-horse hot walker. Footing in all rings is of the absolute highest quality and perfectly manicured. Turnouts are 4-board, and there is over 60 acres of farm to ride on and explore! This facility was built for the absolute comfort and safety of horses and their people.
Head Trainer, Mattalyn Hughes is a USDF Bronze Medalist, and welcomes horses and riders of all levels for training and lessons. We offer training to horses from just started to FEI and everywhere in-between.