Creekside Stable / Horse Boarding Farm in Mohnton, Pennsylvania

Our facility is located in beautiful Berks County and offers a main barn on 40 acres. This barn has 11 rubber-matted stalls, a wash stall with heated water, a climate-controlled tack room, and a picnic area. Turnout offers a dry paddock and 9 large & small pastures. Ponies, gelding, and mares are turned out separately. There are automatic waterers in the pastures and stalls have heated buckets during the Winter season. Our sister barn #2 offers 10 acres with a 4-stall primitive bank barn. Our sister barn #3 offers extra-large rubber-matted stalls and a hot water wash stall. All on a private setting with separate mare & gelding turnout pastures. There is also a large heated & air-conditioned tack room.
We use Purina feed and offer diets geared to individual horse's needs. Pastures are groomed and, on a rotation, to provide good quality grass all season long.
There is an available small dressage ring, schooling paddock, large outdoor grass arena, and round pen for training and exercising.
Just a short horseback ride from the property you will find state game lands and the Horseshoe trail. There are a few wooded trails on the property for everyone to enjoy.
We have an instructor/trainer on site, but your trainer and instructor are welcome as is your vet & farrier.
Worming is done for all horses at the same time according to the seasons de-worming program. Yearly vaccine scheduling, veterinarian & barn Farrier on call 24/7, senior horse care, horse lay ups and mare care.
Board at our main facility and sister barn 3 are as follows: full care stall board includes daily stall cleaning, grain 2x a day, quality hay and daily turn out as weather permits: $535/month. Field board includes grain & quality hay as needed: $415/month.
Board at our sister barn 2: full care stall board: $425/month, self-care: $250/month, self-care with stall: $275/month. Minis - $260/Month


All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Boarding Daily Pasture Turn-out English Full Service Boarding Facility Group Instruction Horse Summer Day Camp for Kids Horseback Riding Lessons Hunter Jumper Layovers, Stopovers Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Overnight Stabling Pasture Board Pastures Private Riding Lessons Retirement With Full Care Round Pen Stables Stall Boarding Western Western Pleasure Youth
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