Crooked Finger Farm is a private quiet backyard barn located in Pine Bush, NY on 7 acres, grass and dirt paddocks, Round pen, Large riding area out back with jumps and nice fields to ride in. Horses are stalled or left out with an in and out option leaving the stall doors open in the back. They love the freedom of in and out. one dirt lot. Quality hay and grain. $500 Full Board. Barn manager lives on premise and has over 25 yrs horse exp. Adult and Children riding lessons available, Pony parties also available either on the farm or at your home. Nice quiet no drama atmosphere. Call for more info or to schedule a visit
A Multi Discipline Facility That Is Meticulously Maintained
Administering Soring And Fall Shots
And Providing Lessons For Beginner And Intermediate Rider
Any Medications Needed. Cleaning Sheath
As Well As Individual Paddocks. Full Car
Barefoot Trimming
Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses.
Body Clipping
Daily Individual Turnouts
Daily Turn Outs
Grass Fields
Great Care
Longe Line Lessons
Owner On Premises
Peaceful And Relaxing
Quality Care
Retirement With Full Care
Stall Boarding
Tack Room
Therapeutic Riding Program
Trainer On-site
Veterinary Care
Western Pleasure