Durkee Hill Stables / Horse Boarding Farm in Middlefield, Ohio

Durkee Hill Stables is a newly renovated 19 stall facility with 10 lush grass pastures, all weather turnouts, an all weather riding arena, cross country schooling course and miles of trails. Lana purchased the neighboring property to increase turnout and expand the useable space for her horses and riders. The views are gorgeous and the atmosphere of Durkee Hill Stables makes it a place that you want to spend time at.

Lana likes to take advantage of the many amenities around the farm. She regularly takes her horses and students cross country schooling at several local cross country courses. She also spends many hours in the local parks. As a member of the Chagrin Valley Trails and Riding Club she has access to miles of private trails along the Chagrin River in Gates Mills.


Affordable Horse Boarding Rates All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome And Lessons Available. Arena Beautiful Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Blanketing Board Boarding Cross Country Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Individual Turnouts Daily Pasture Turn-out Daily Stall Cleaning Daily Turn Outs Draft Horse Dressage English Equitation Eventing Excellent Care Fox Chasing Fox Hunting Full Service Boarding Facility Grass Grass Fields Group Instruction Horse Leases Available Horse Training Horseback Riding Lessons Horses for Sale Individualized Care Indoor Riding Arena Jumping Leasing Lessons Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Pastures Peaceful & Quiet Setting Personal Attention Given To Each Horse And Human Personalized Care Private Riding Lessons Riding Lessons Riding Lessons for Adults Riding Lessons for Children Riding Trails Available Showing Program Stables Stall Boarding Trail Riding Veterinary Care Wash Rack Working Student Program Young Riders Welcome Youth
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