Maple grove farm / Horse Boarding Farm in Hudson, Massachusetts

Maple grove is a full board farm. We specialize in hunter, jumpers and equitation. Trading and showing at all levels from AA rated to schooling shows . We love our horses and love what we do teaching from beginners to advanced riders helping you to achieve you goals and dreams whether big or small. Our farm is set on 40 acres with an indoor and outdoor ring large pastures and small individual turnouts please call for information on boarding and lessons . Our web site is under construction but you can also see us on our FB page


And Lessons Available. And Providing Lessons For Beginner And Intermediate Rider As Well As Individual Paddocks. Full Car Bathroom Excellent Care Full Tack Room Full Time Great Care Grooming Horse Horses For Sale And Lease Hunters IEA Team Jumper Lesson Horses Lessons Available Owner On Premises Pasture Board Peaceful And Relaxing Quality Care Riding Riding Camps Riding Lesson Program Tack Room Training United States Wash Racks
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