Grand Champion Show Stables / Horse Boarding Farm in Stoughton, Massachusetts

Looking for the perfect boarding situation? Look no further!
Stalls available at Grand Champion Show Stables in Stoughton, MA! 40 stall barn with heated tack and observation rooms, hot and cold wash stalls, matted stalls, quality hay and grain, full/half day individual/group turnout, lighted indoor arena, sand outdoor rings (jump course and dressage), walking paths and trails near the property. Blanket changes, feeding supplements (provided by owner), and boots/bells for turnout part of standard care. Other options available upon request -- Our staff is friendly, helpful, and dedicated to making your experience the best it can be! We are the proud home of Grand Champion Show Stables and trainer Alexandria Quayle offers private and group lesson to children and adults from beginner to advanced skill levels. Whether you're just learning to ride, looking to learn something new, a serious competitor on the "A" circuit, or bringing a young horse along, Alexandria has the skills, drive, and finesse to help! We also have horses and ponies available for sale and lease, and are happy to work with you to find your next equine partner. Please visit us on Facebook for more pictures of the farm and our horses! Any questions or to set up an appointment to meet us please call or e-mail us.


Affordable Horse Boarding Rates All Breeds And Disciplines Are Welcome All Disciplines and Riding Levels Welcome Arena Beautiful Beginner Lessons On Own Or School Horses. Blanketing Board Boarding Colt Starting Cross Country Daily Handling Of Horses Daily Individual Turnouts Daily Pasture Turn-out Daily Turn Outs Draft Horse Dressage Driving Education English English Pleasure Equitation Eventing Full Service Boarding Facility Geriatric Horse Care Grass Grass Fields Group Activities Group Instruction Horse Injury Rehabilitation Horse Leases Available Horse Summer Day Camp for Kids Horse Training Horse Transport Available Horseback Riding Lessons Horsemanship Horses for Sale Hunter Jumper Hunter Under Saddle Individualized Care Indoor Riding Arena Jumping Lay-ups Leasing Lessons Natural Horsemanship Open 7 Days a Week Outdoor Arena Pasture Board Pastures Personalized Care Private Riding Lessons Retirement With Full Care Riding Clinics Riding Lessons for Adults Riding Lessons for Children Riding Trails Available Safety Courses Showing Program Stables Stall Boarding Trail Riding Trailer Parking Available Trainer On-site Veterinary Care Wash Rack Working Student Program Young Riders Welcome Youth
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